Guidelines for the Chemical Inventory

Norwegian version

Approved by the University Director May 5 2010, last modified August 31, 2020, archive Reference 2010/4189.

1. Purpose

The purpose of these guidelines is to help ensure that everyone at the University of Bergen who works with, or is otherwise exposed to, chemicals or biological factors that are hazardous to health, has access to information that will allow them to take care of their own health and safety, while also providing the line management with the basis for mapping and assessment of risks to health, safety and the environment.

2. Basis

These guidelines form part of the University of Bergen’s Rules and Regulations (Part 3. Human Resources and HSE) and have their legal basis in HSE legislation (see reference).

3. Scope and area of application

These guidelines apply to all units at or under the auspices of the University of Bergen where chemicals and biological materials that are hazardous to health are manufactured, packaged, used or stored.

4. Responsibilities

Line management is responsible for ensuring that these guidelines are implemented and monitored.

5. Definitions

  • Local Chemical Inventory: A collection of safety data sheets and information sheets for hazardous chemicals and biological materials that are hazardous to health.

  • Safety data sheet: An accompanying note that must contain information on the hazardous properties of a hazardous substances and the recommended precautions for its use.

  • Information sheet: An accompanying note containing less information about the substances than provided by the safety data sheet.

  • Chemicals: Elements (liquids, solids or gases) and their chemical compounds with other elements and/or mixtures of substances.

  • Biological factors hazardous to health: Living and dead microorganisms, cell cultures, endoparasites and prions that can cause infections, allergies or toxic effects in people.

  • Chemical Inventory: The University of Bergen’s central chemical inventory, which is used to document the presence of chemicals and biological factors hazardous to health. The primary source of the charting and assessment of risk to health, safety and the environment, the Chemical Inventory is also important when considering measures to reduce risk.

6. Roles and tasks

Line management

  • Shall ensure that a local coordinator is appointed for the Chemical Inventory.

  • Shall ensure that the unit uses the Chemical Inventory as the basis for assessment of the risk associated with work using hazardous chemicals and biological factors that are hazardous to health.

  • Shall ensure that Local Chemical Inventory is located so that they are readily accessible to users, and that the Local Chemical Inventory is kept up-to-date.

  • Shall ensure that the necessary training is provided in the use of the Chemical Inventory.

Local coordinator

  • Shall ensure that chemicals and biological factors that are hazardous to health are recorded in the Chemical Inventory and that the Inventory is kept up-to-date at all times.

  • Must act as the unit’s resource with regard to training and information, including the training of students and new employees in the use of Local Chemical Inventory.

  • Shall provide users of chemicals and biological factors and safety delegates with access to the Chemical Inventory.

Central coordinator

  • Is the system administrator for the Chemical Inventory and must ensure that the Inventory is operational and up-to-date.

  • Shall offer local coordinators training in the use of the Chemical Inventory.

  • Shall continually provide information to the resources of the Chemical Inventory.

  • Shall support the line management by providing reports and statistics.

7. References

Drawn up by: The HSE Section, Division of Human Resources

Replaces: “Guidelines on the establishment and updating of substance indexes for hazardous substances and biological factors” of 25 June 2001.



Entered by

Monday 31 August 2020 7:47:23 am

Updating chapter 6.

Olaug Eiksund

Monday 31 August 2020 7:46:49 am

Updating chapter 7.

Olaug Eiksund

Monday 06 November 2017 10:50:34 am

Updating chapter 7.

Olaug Eiksund

Tuesday 03 October 2017 5:30:30 pm

Updating chapter 5. Definitions

Olaug Eiksund

Tuesday 03 October 2017 5:17:07 pm

Updating chapter 5. Definitions

Olaug Eiksund

Thursday 31 March 2016 10:31:14 am

Updating chapter 5. Definitions

Olaug Eiksund

Thursday 31 March 2016 10:28:23 am

Updating chapter 7. References

Olaug Eiksund

Wednesday 15 July 2015 8:43:41 am

Updating chapter 7. References

Olaug Eiksund

Monday 15 June 2015 1:26:41 pm

English version of the guidelines published 28.08.2014.

Olaug Eiksund

Friday 16 January 2015 1:19:33 pm

English version of the guidelines published 28.08.2014.

Olaug Eiksund