Guidelines for reporting and follow-up of HSE non-conformities

Norwegian version

Approved by the University Director 18.08.2021, last modified october 4, 2021, archive reference 2009/14709

1. Objective

These guidelines shall ensure:

  • that breaches of the health and safety and working environment regulations (HSE non-conformities) at the University of Bergen (UiB) are handled in accordance with regulatory requirements and internal policies that health, safety and environment non-conformities at the University of Bergen (UiB) are handled in accordance with regulatory requirements and internal rules

  • that the working and learning environment is fully satisfactory

  • that all HSE non-conformities are reported

  • that corrective and preventive measures are considered and implemented

  • continuous quality assurance of the systematic HSE work

  • organisational learning and transfer of experience

  • that the injured person’s rights are protected.

2. Scope

The guidelines cover HSE non-conformities and apply to all employees, students and visitors at UiB and all activities organised under the auspices of the university.

Safety non-conformities are also defined and anchored in the Management System for securing buildings and values (NO), which provides detailed guidelines for the management of buildings and physical (material) values. This document establishes that safety non-conformities shall be reported and followed up as HSE non-conformities. Safety non-conformities include breaches of the management system for securing buildings and values, burglaries and unauthorised entry, major building damage and damage/loss of physical assets because of fire, theft, vandalism, leaks, or issues related to indoor climate. Safety non-conformities are for practical purposes further referred to as HSE non-conformities.

Units that have a coordination agreement on HSE with another establishment shall handle HSE non-conformities in compliance with the applicable agreement.

In the event of undesired events requiring resources beyond ordinary operations, the relevant Emergency Preparedness plan (NO) should be considered to be implemented.

3. Responsibility

The line manager is responsible for ensuring that the guidelines are made known and followed within unit, and that HSE non-conformities are presented to the governing and advisory body.

Employees and students have a duty to follow the guidelines.

The Working Environment Committee (AMU) shall review all HSE non-conformities and ensure that measures are implemented, as well as identifying learning points that can contribute to organisational learning.

The Learning Environment Committee (LMU) shall review all HSE non-conformities involving students and ensure that measures concerning the students’ learning environment are implemented.

4. Definitions

HSE non-conformities: Adverse events and matters that have resulted in or may result in harm to people, the environment or material values, such as:

  • breaches of the health and safety legislation, guidelines and routines

  • personal injury that required medical treatment

  • work-related illness

  • minor personal injury

  • harmful emissions to the environment

  • adverse events with chemicals/gas, biological factors, or radiation sources

  • third-party violence or threats

  • matters that reduce fire safety

  • breach of the “Management system for securing buildings and values”

  • burglary and unauthorised entry to buildings and areas

  • significant structural damage to buildings

  • damage/loss of physical values because of fire, theft, vandalism, leaks, or indoor climate issues

Work-related illness: Illness that occurs acutely through influences in the working environment and illness that is assumed to have its cause in the working environment or conditions in the workplace.

Violence or threats from third parties: In this context, third parties mean persons who are not employed at UiB and who threaten or exert violence against an UiB employee in their work situation.

Line manager: Faculty/department director and head of department, or equivalent who has the overall HSE responsibility at the unit.

UiBhelp-operator: Appointed as line manager’s representative to follow up reported HSE non-conformities at the unit.

5. Reporting and follow-up of HSE non-conformities

5.1 Reporting HSE non-conformities

Employees and students:

  • Shall report HSE non-conformities by using the form in UiBhelp as soon as an HSE non-conformity is discovered.

  • In the event of personal injuries entailing a risk of infection or serious personal injury, the local line manager or information centre at the faculty must be notified immediately so that measures can be initiated. Then the ordinary reporting routines are followed.

5.2 Follow-up of HSE non-conformities

Line manager:

  • Shall appoint an UiBhelp-operator.

  • Shall assist in the follow-up of HSE non-conformities, and if needed send a notification of occupational injury/occupational illness to the Norwegian Labour and Welfare.

Administration (NAV) and Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (Statens pensjonskasse)

  • Has access to HSE non-conformities at the overall level at UiB.

  • Shall ensure that reported HSE non-conformities contribute to quality assurance of the systematic HSE work, and that learning points that can contribute to organisational learning are identified.

  • Shall notify the line management (NO) in the event of emergencies and adverse events that require resources beyond ordinary operation, so that implementation of the relevant emergency preparedness plan can be considered.

  • Shall, in the event of accidents that have resulted in serious injury (The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority’s definition) or death, notify the line management, the nearest police authority and the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority by the form Notification of a work accident that has caused death or serious personal injury. Notification must be sent as soon as and no later than the same day.


  • Shall follow up, quality assure and categorise reported HSE non-conformities and assess and implement corrective and preventive measures. HSE non-conformities must be followed up as soon as possible.

  • Shall keep the line manager oriented and if necessary, ask for assistance.

  • Shall keep the safety delegate oriented and if necessary, ask for assistance.

  • In the event of personal injury that required medical treatment, where possible injury may be uncovered later, or a work-related illness, ensure that the employer together with the notifier send a notification of occupational injury/occupational illness to NAV for the employee or for the student. Notification should be sent as soon as possible and no later than within three days.

  • In the event of occupational injury/illness that may grant rights to compensation, ensure that the employer together with the notifier send a notification to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (NO) for employees who are registered there.

  • If the unit has a coordination agreement on HSE with another unit, this unit shall be informed of the HSE non-conformity and measures for follow-up. In cases where external entities are informed about an HSE non-conformity, the HSE non-conformity must always be anonymised to safeguard the privacy of the person reporting the HSE non-conformity.

Safety representative / the chief safety representative / the University’s chief safety representative:

  • Has access to HSE non-conformities at the overall level at UiB.

  • Shall ensure that reported HSE non-conformities are followed up in accordance with these guidelines.

  • Shall, if necessary, assist the line manager/line manager’s representative, employee or student in reporting or following up HSE non-conformities.

Division of Human Resources:

  • Has access to HSE non-conformities at the overall level at UiB.

  • Shall, if necessary, assist the line manager/line manager’s representative in the follow-up of HSE non-conformities.

  • Shall present periodic reports of all HSE non-conformities at UiB for AMU and highlight HSE non-conformities that are of a serious nature, require special follow-up, or can contribute to organisational learning.

  • Will present periodic reports of HSE non-conformities concerning students at UiB for LMU.

The Occupational Health Service:

  • Is informed about and has access to all HSE non-conformities that include personal injury that required medical treatment or work-related illness at UiB.

  • Shall, if necessary, assist the line manager/line manager’s representative, employee and student in the follow-up of HSE non-conformities that include personal injury that required medical treatment or work-related illness.

Estate and Facilities Management Division:

  • Has access to HSE non-conformities at the overall level at UiB.

  • Shall, if necessary, assist the Division of Human Resources in the preparation of reports to AMU and LMU in the event of safety non-conformities.

  • Shall, if necessary, assist the line manager/line manager’s representative in follow-up of HSE non-conformities, in line with the «Management system for securing buildings and values».

6. Adjacent Guidelines

7. References

Prepared by: Division of Human Resources
Processed by: Working Environment Committee 08.04.2021
Replaces:» Guidelines for reporting and following up health, safety and environment non-conformities» of 02.07.2014.



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Replaces Guidlines of 02.07.2014

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