Guidelines for inspection prior to occupation

Norwegian version

REPEALED Approved by the University Director 08.03.2022

1. Objective

The purpose of the guideline is to ensure that moving in is not implemented until the University of Bergen (UiB) as the developer in collaboration with the user, local safety delegate and the HR-department finds it advisable. All conditions that affect those who move in must be taken care of.

2. Basis

The guidelines form part of UiB’ s Regulations (Part 3. Human Resources and Health, safety, and environment).

3. Scope and area of use

The guideline covers all construction projects (see point 5.) at UiB.

4. Responsibility

The Estate and Facilities Management division (EIA) is responsible for ensuring that the guidelines are followed.

5. Definitions

  • Inspection: Systematic inspection of the construction project.

  • User coordinator: Appointed by the Estate and Facilities Management division. Leads the user committee. Liaison between the user committee and the project organization.

  • Permit of use: When a construction project has been completed, but work of minor importance remains, the responsible applicant can request the municipality for a temporary use permit.

  • Construction project: All new construction projects and major rebuilding or rehabilitation projects at UiB, as well as moving a unit to leased premises.

  • Operations coordinator: EIA employee who must ensure that construction projects are in accordance with the intention for future operation and maintenance of the building.

  • Certificate of completion: When a construction project requiring an application has been completed, the responsible applicant must request the municipality for a certificate of completion. Certificate of completion or permit of use must be available before moving in. Less extensive measures will not always fall under the application obligation and requirements for a permit of use or completion certificate will therefore not apply to these projects.

  • Takeover business: The contractor calls for a takeover business when the building is ready for takeover. This presupposes that the building is mostly finished and can be used.

  • Project manager: EIA employee who leads the construction project. In some cases, the project manager will be a hired resource.

  • Developer: Owner of the building.

6. Inspection prior to occupation

Inspections must be carried out before moving in at all construction projects, in order to prevent health problems and unnecessary discomfort as a result of moving into premises that have not been sufficiently completed and cleaned.

6.1. Tasks:

The project manager from EIA calls in for an inspection before moving in and leads this.

Participants on the inspection before moving in:

  • Project Manager

  • User coordinator

  • Operations Coordinator Representatives from the user community

  • Safety delegate, in the case of several units, HVO will be involved

  • Representative from the Occupational Health Service

A representative of the Learning Environment Committee and a consultant for students with disabilities are called in when applicable.

6.2. Execution

  • The user coordinator informs about the move-in plan and is responsible for reviewing the checklist and writing a summary of the inspection.

  • Project manager informs about construction cleaning, takeover business, certificate of completion and permit of use.

  • Physical review of all floors and rooms, for example by checklist.

  • Finally, a summary and conclusion are made regarding any recommendation for moving in. The conclusion from the inspection must always be in writing, in the form of a short summary and / or completed checklist.

  • Checklist or summary are approved by the participants before it is sent to the AMU’s building committee for information.

7. References

Appendices (NO):



Entered by

  1. june 2023

Change 1. appendice Oppdated 6.1.

Mona Viksøy

  1. march 2022

New rules

Mona Viksøy

Friday 20 June 2014

8:17:40 am

Updating an url.

Olaug Eiksund

Friday 20 June 2014 8:16:52 am

Updating an url.

Olaug Eiksund

Friday 26 April 2013 11:18:45 am

Updating names of divisions and titles.

Olaug Eiksund

Tuesday 05 July 2011 9:54:45 am

Translated to English 05.07.2011.

Olaug Eiksund

Tuesday 05 July 2011 9:48:41 am

Translated to English 05.07.2011.

Olaug Eiksund

Tuesday 05 July 2011 9:49:41 am

Translated to English 05.07.2011.

Olaug Eiksund

Tuesday 05 July 2011 9:24:27 am

Retningslinjen legges over fra HMS-håndboken, Del 5. Helse, miljø og sikkerhet i forbindelse med ny Regelsamling.

Olaug Eiksund

Tuesday 05 July 2011 9:19:37 am

Retningslinjen legges over fra HMS-håndboken, Del 5. Helse, miljø og sikkerhet i forbindelse med ny Regelsamling.

Olaug Eiksund

Wednesday 06 April 2011 3:40:21 pm

Retningslinjen legges over fra HMS-håndboken, Del 5. Helse, miljø og sikkerhet i forbindelse med ny Regelsamling.

Olaug Eiksund

Wednesday 06 April 2011 3:39:16 pm

Retningslinjen legges over fra HMS-håndboken, Del 5. Helse, miljø og sikkerhet i forbindelse med ny Regelsamling.

Olaug Eiksund