Guidelines for annual review of systematic health, safety and environment work (Internal Control)

Norwegian version

Approved by the University Director 28.01.2009, last modified december 6, 2023, archive reference 2008/14884.

1. Objective

The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that the elements of systematic health, safety and environment work (HSE) at the University of Bergen (UiB) are in compliance with government requirements and internal regulations, to assess whether the activities in the HSE work are in line with UiB’s objectives and identify any potential for improvement, so that measures can be considered and prioritised.

2. Basis

The guidelines form part of UiB’s Regulations (Part 3. Human Resources and HSE) and are based on the Norwegian Regulations relating to Systematic health, safety and environment work in Enterprises (Internal Control Regulations) section 5 no 8.

3. Scope and area of application

These guidelines apply to all units at UiB.

4. Responsibility

Line Manager is responsible for implementing and following up these guidelines.

5. Definitions

  • Line Manager: University Director, Dean/Faculty/Division Director and Head of department/section, or equivalent with overall HSE responsibility at the unit.

  • Unit: Faculty, division, section, department and centre at UiB.

  • Safety Delegate: The University’s Chief Safety Delegate, Chief Safety Delegates and Safety Delegates

  • Annual report – Health, safety and the environment (HSE): Reports of HSE work. To be carried out by all UiB’s units.

6. Annual review of systematic HSE work

6.1. Organisation

Line Manager reviews the systematic HSE work and reports according to line. If potential for improvement is identified, corrective measures shall be considered and prioritised.

Safety Delegate shall review the systematic HSE work together with the Line Manager.

6.2. Review

The following elements of the systematic HSE work shall be reviewed:

  • Consider whether HSE goals have been achieved, and set new HSE goals.

  • Responsibility and distribution of tasks within the HSE work.

  • HSE action plan.

    • Results of HSE mapping, such as HSE meetings and HSE rounds, risk assessments and prioritise measures.

  • Reported non-conformities, near-accidents and accidents.

  • Ensure that existing routines and plans are appropriate and in compliance with regulations.

  • Check that new activities/processes are carried out in a safe manner.

  • Map HSE training needs for the coming year.

  • Carry out necessary updates of HSE documents.

6.3. Reporting

The University Director requests annual reports of the status of local HSE work:

  • The form ‘Annual report – Health, safety and the environment (HSE)’ is to be completed by the Line Manager in collaboration with the Safety Delegate and returned according to line.

  • Faculty Directors and Directors of the University Museum of Bergen and the University of Bergen Library with their respective Chief Safety Delegates shall compile an overall HSE report for the unit. The report is reviewed by the Board and forwarded to the University Director.

  • UiB’s HSE report, of which ‘Annual Report – Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE)’ forms an important part, is reviewed by the University Board and is an important source of input for decisions governing HSE work at UiB.

6.4 Follow-up

  • The University Director reviews the HSE reports and provides necessary feedback, and conducts «a management review» at each faculty / department to be followed up by the local unit and at the faculty / department”.

7. References

Drawn up by: Division of Human Resources
Replaces: «Retningslinjer for internt tilsyn (revisjon) med det systematiske HMS-arbeidet ved UiB» of 19.11.2003.



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  1. December 2023

Mindre justeringer i pkt 5., 6.2. og 6.3.

Mona Viksøy

Monday 07 January 2019 12:34:08 pm

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Monday 07 January 2019 12:28:45 pm

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Thursday 16 November 2017 12:34:13 pm

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Thursday 16 November 2017 11:14:32 am

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Tuesday 07 November 2017 1:45:58 pm

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Monday 06 February 2017 10:56:02 am

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Monday 06 February 2017 10:53:45 am

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Monday 15 June 2015 1:17:38 pm

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Tuesday 10 February 2015 8:02:30 am

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Friday 20 June 2014 8:10:49 am

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