3.2.3 HSE guidelines
Retningslinje for systematisk helse-, miljø- og sikkerhetsarbeid (norwegian only)
Guidelines for reporting and follow-up of HSE non-conformities
Guidelines for annual review of systematic health, safety and environment work (Internal Control)
Retningslinjer for tilrettelegging og samarbeid mellom linjeleder og verneombud (norwegian only)
Guidelines for risk assessment involving health, safety and the environment.
Retningslinje for brannvern (norwegian only)
Guidelines for eye examination and acquisition of computer glasses
Retningslinjer for håndtering av rusmiddelmisbruk ved UiB (AKAN-retningslinjer) (norwegian only)
Guidelines for health, safety and environment at fieldwork, research cruises and group trips
Guidelines for handling and disposal of hazardous waste and problematic waste, and explosive waste
Guidelines for radiation protection and use of radiation at UiB
Retningslinjer for registrering, måling og utvikling av miljøindikatorer (norwegian only)
Guidelines for facilitation and cooperation between line managers and safety representatives