Guidelines for health, safety and environment at fieldwork, research cruises and group trips -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :doc:`Norwegian version ` Approved by the University Director 6th of February 2020 1. Objective ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The objective of these guidelines is to ensure that fieldwork, research cruises as well as other group trips are conducted in accordance with sound health, safety and environment principles. **2. Scope and area of application** These guidelines cover aspects relating to health, safety and environment (HSE) and are - Compulsory: - For employees and students undertaking fieldwork and research cruises, alone or in a group. - Recommended: - For employees on group trip with a minimum of 5 employees - For a minimum of 1 employee on group trip with one or more students. The guidelines apply both to the HSE aspects of the employee’s obligatory fieldwork and research cruise under the ‘Agreement concerning fieldwork for employees at the University of Bergen’ (NO) and to HSE aspects of fieldwork and research cruises that is not obligatory and that take place in connection with the employee’s own research. Where employees with different employers or students from different educational institutions participate in joint fieldwork/research cruises/group trip, it must be decided in advance which employer/institution has the overall HSE responsibility. Separate guidelines will apply to UiB students on exchange programmes abroad. 3. Definitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - *Line manager:* Head of department, head of division or equivalent with overall responsibility for the unit. - *Academic leader (Faglig ansvarlig):* Person appointed to be in charge of the organisation, execution and follow-up of the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip. - *Tour leader:* Person appointed to be in charge of the execution of the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip when Academic leader is not present. - *Travel administrator:* Appointed administrative support function in CIM for the Line manager/Academic leader/Tour leader. - *Fieldwork:* Collection/processing of information in connection with research, investigations for administrative agencies, development work, excursions and curricular tasks outside the ordinary place of work/study. - Research cruise: Vessel-based collection/processing of information in connection with research, investigations for administrative agencies, development work, excursions and curricular tasks. - *Group trip:* All types of obligatory or non-obligatory domestic or foreign travel, except fieldwork and research cruises, for employees in a group of minimum 5 employees or a minimum of 1 employee in a group of one or more students. - *CIM:* UiB’s digital support tool for risk assessment, safety and emergency preparedness. 4. Responsibility ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Line manager is: - Responsible that the guidelines are made known and followed within the unit. - Responsible for appointing an Academic leader for each fieldwork/research cruise/group trip. A Tour leader may also be appointed, if required. The Line manager shall ensure in advance that the Academic leader and, if applicable, the Tour leader have the qualifications necessary to lead the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip in accordance with sound health, safety and environment principles. - Responsible for appointing a Travel administrator. Academic leader is: - Responsible that a risk assessment is carried out, that appropriate training, safety equipment and emergency responses are organised, and ensure proper execution and follow-up of the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip. Tour leader: - When the Academic leader is not present during the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip, the responsibility for proper execution is delegated to the Tour leader. - Where fieldwork is carried out by a single student alone, the student him/herself will take on the functions of the Tour leader. Travel administrator is: - Responsible for the registration and follow-up of fieldwork/research cruise/group trip in CIM. The individual participant: - Should participate in risk mapping and assessment - Shall register information about next of kin and contact information prior to travel. - Shall respond to digital information they receive in connection with travel - Shall follow the safety routines and local adjustments required to carry out the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip in accordance with sound HSE principles. - Have an independent responsibility to assess the safety of the activity, make necessary adjustments and, if necessary, to stop the activity for safety reasons. - Has an obligation to inform the Academic leader or the Tour leader of health-related and other factors that may have significance for safety in connection with the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip. - Shall, in the event of an emergency situation, notify according to the local emergency plan. Safety delegate: - A unit’s elected Safety delegate (verneombud) is also Safety delegate for the participants in fieldwork/research cruise/group trip if not an on-site Safety delegate has been elected. Where there are more than 10 participants for more than a week, or as dictated by special risk factors, the Line manager shall assess the need for and, if applicable, ensure that an on-site Safety delegate is elected 5. Fieldwork, research cruises and group trips ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5.1 Preparations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HSE responsibility for each fieldwork/research cruise/group trip shall be defined by the Line manager. The Academic leader shall identify in advance what is academic activity and what is leisure activity. **Risk assessment and emergency response** Academic leader: - Shall ensure that risk factors associated with the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip are mapped by means of a risk assessment. Activities that may involve risk of human injury, environmental damage and material should be identified: - On the way to and from the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip - During the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip - In connection with the completion of the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip - Is advised to involve all participants and safety delegates in this work. - When the risk factors have been identified and assessed, measures shall be implemented in order to reduce the risk factors identified. - Local emergency response plan and notification procedures shall be drawn up. Travel administrator: - Shall prepare and maintain a full list of participants along with contact information and information about next of kin in CIM, and shall keep the Academic leader up to date. **Training and information** Academic leader: - Shall ensure that participants in fieldwork/research cruise/group trip receive the necessary training and information relating to risk assessments carried out and the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip. **Insurance** The rules and guidelines from the competent ministry applying at any time indicate whether and to what extent participants in fieldwork/research cruises/group trips are insured. 5.2. Execution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Academic leader possible Tour leader shall: - Implement emergency response plan and notification as and when required. - Keep the Line manager informed about all important conditions in the country concerned or on site, which may affect the participants’ safety or other circumstances. - Be available to their own unit at the UiB when the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip is underway. - Report to the Travel administrator as soon as possible if fieldwork/research cruise/group trip are subject to: - changes in the list of participants - changes in the travel itinerary - Inform participants and own unit if any changes are made to procedures and emergency response plans. - Report any HSE non-conformities Academic leader possible Tour leader has the authority to issue warnings and dismiss participants who do not observe the safety regulations. 5.3. Finishing process and evaluation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Evaluation of the fieldwork/research cruise/group trip shall form an integral part of the unit’s local HSE work. 6. References ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Regulations relating to Systematic Health, Environmental and Safety Activities in Enterprises (Internal Control Regulations) `__ - :doc:`Emergency Preparedness Plan for UiB students abroad ` (NO) - `Agreement on fieldwork for employees at the University of Bergen `__ (NO) - :doc:`UiB Emergency Preparedness Plan ` (NO) Further references to current laws, regulations aids and `guidelines `__ ( **Drawn up by:** Division of Human Resources **Processed by:** The Working Environment Committee, 29 January 2020 **Replaces**: Guidelines for health, safety and environment at fieldwork and research cruises of 2 March 2009. +-------------------------+-------------------------+---------------+ | Date | Comment | Entered by | +=========================+=========================+===============+ | 10.10.2022 | Lenker under pkt 7 er | Mona Viksøy | | | rettet opp | | +-------------------------+-------------------------+---------------+ | Monday 21 September | Publiserer ny | Olaug Eiksund | | 2020 1:29:36 pm | retningslinje, engelsk | | | | versjon | | +-------------------------+-------------------------+---------------+ | Monday 21 September | Minor changes in text | Olaug Eiksund | | 2020 10:46:29 am | and updating url | | +-------------------------+-------------------------+---------------+ | Thursday 16 November | Minor changes in text | Olaug Eiksund | | 2017 12:42:31 pm | and updating url | | +-------------------------+-------------------------+---------------+ | Thursday 16 November | Minor changes in text | Olaug Eiksund | | 2017 11:00:14 am | and updating url | | +-------------------------+-------------------------+---------------+ | Thursday 16 November | Minor changes in text | Olaug Eiksund | | 2017 10:57:01 am | and updating url | | +-------------------------+-------------------------+---------------+ | Thursday 29 September | Minor changes in text | Olaug Eiksund | | 2016 1:21:07 pm | and updating url | | +-------------------------+-------------------------+---------------+ | Thursday 29 September | Updating an url. | Olaug Eiksund | | 2016 1:15:40 pm | | | +-------------------------+-------------------------+---------------+ | Tuesday 07 July 2015 | Updating an url. | Olaug Eiksund | | 11:27:19 am | | | +-------------------------+-------------------------+---------------+ | Tuesday 07 July 2015 | Updating 7. References | Olaug Eiksund | | 11:24:30 am | | | +-------------------------+-------------------------+---------------+ | Monday 15 June 2015 | Updating 7. References | Olaug Eiksund | | 1:25:33 pm | | | +-------------------------+-------------------------+---------------+