Regulations concerning promotion in teaching and research positions

Determined by the University Board: 28/04/2016

The regulations on employment and promotion in teaching and research positions have changed as of 17/08/ 2015. The wording of Section 2-1 reads as follows after the change:

«Promotion can only be applied for through the employee’s own institution and applications must be submitted to the institution. The requirements set out pursuant to Section 1-1 to 1-7 apply in connection with promotions. The institutions are free to decide that assessments performed by specialist committees established by other institutions can be used as the basis for the institution’s considerations for promotions.»

The University Board adopts the following rules for promotion in teaching and research positions at the University of Bergen:

1. As a rule, promotion in teaching and research positions can be applied for only following assessments carried out by specialist committees established by the University of Bergen.

2. The University Board delegates to the faculty board and the university museum board within their academic area the ability to decide that assessments performed by specialist committees established by other institutions can be used as the basis for the institution’s considerations for promotions.»

3. Provisions concerning assessments performed by specialist committees established by other institutions can be used as the basis for the institution’s considerations for promotions but must be in accordance with national regulations and the following internal regulations at the University of Bergen:

3.1 Approval of assessments performed by specialist committees established by other institutions can be given only when the institution, as a minimum, sets out equivalent requirements for competence for a position to those set out by the University of Bergen.

3.2 Approval of assessments performed by specialist committees established by other institutions must be a general approval of all assessments performed by the other institution. It is not possible to limit the approval decision to individual applications.

3.3 If, for specific groups of employees, the University of Bergen sets out general requirements concerning competence beyond the minimum requirements set out in Section 1-2 to 1-7 of the regulations, such additional requirements must apply over time, for employment and promotions at the University of Bergen and must be available to employees and applicants.

Approval of assessments performed by specialist committees established by other institutions can be made only when the institution, as a minimum, sets out equivalent additional requirements for these employee groups to those set out by the University of Bergen.

4. An achieved certification of competence for professor II positions cannot form the basis for promotion to professor without a new assessment being performed. In cases where a complete professor competence assessment has been performed for the employment as professor II, it will not be necessary to carry out a new assessment.

5. The annual application deadline for promotion to professor is 15 September. In special cases, the rector may approve the waiving of this deadline.



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Friday 24 June 2016 10:49:31 am

Ny oversettelse

Kathrine Brosvik Thorsen

Friday 24 June 2016 10:47:22 am

Ny oversettelse

Kathrine Brosvik Thorsen

Friday 20 May 2016 12:35:31 pm

Nye regler

Kathrine Brosvik Thorsen

Friday 20 May 2016 12:30:13 pm

Nye regler

Kathrine Brosvik Thorsen